Kulgera to Perth Day 28 - Goongarrie Stn NP to Perth

Sunday, Jun 30, 2002 at 00:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Day 28 - Sunday 30/6/02
Start - Goongarrie Stn NP
Stop - Perth
Trip Odometer - 698.6 km
Stopped time - 0:40 hr
Moving average - 92.9 km/hr
Moving time - 7:31 hr
Max speed - 110.0 km/hr

Our final day of our trip, but just a zoom home along the highways to Kalgoorlie and then to Perth. Our camp was 90km north of Kal but we made it to Southern Cross by 11.40am. We were home in our driveway by mid afternoon.

Our total trip was 7046.5km. We had no tyre troubles and no health problems but had to replace 2 rear shocks. I've tried to include as many statistics and details as possible in this diary but this is just a preliminary report that will be further detailed on the ExplorOz website and compiled into trek notes for the relevant areas.

For more info on our vehicle setup please read the Vehicle Setup Feature.
For more info on our GPS setup please read here.

More info will be compiled into the relevant sections of our Trip Preparation pages for Travelling with Kids and also for Communications - in relation to the Bushfone service through RadioData and the Satelitte phone we used (Iridium) in the coming weeks.

Thanks everyone for your support - hope this whets your appetite for travelling!

Michelle Jacka
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
BlogID: 394
Views: 9275

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