Ningaloo Coast - Day 2

Saturday, Jun 03, 2006 at 11:25

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Departed Coronation Beach at 8.45am in fine weather after experiecning slight cloud/moisture overnight. The morning was cold - mild but my 9am we were wearing t-shirts.

Leah ate strawberries and yoghurt for breakfast, Chardae ate wheetbix, and we had museli.

11.40am Overlander Roadhouse. Left at 12.20pm
2.50pm Carnarvon - supplies and fuel. Left a 3.20pm
4.58pm Arrive at Lyndon River for camp.

Dinner: Kids ate corn cobs, we had chicken schnitzels with corn cobs and brocoli. Toasted mashmallows over an open fire. A beautiful night - lovely sky colours. Feels great to be on a trip again, even if just on the tar.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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