Beatty, Death Valley to Mammoth Lakes

Sunday, Sep 25, 2011 at 12:47

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Saturday 24th september, 2011

Quick breakfast in our room in Beatty thus morning then pack up and hit the road. First stop was Rhyolite ruins just out of Beatty. This old mining town ruins was similar to the outback WA mining ruins however this place is just down the road from one of the hottest places being Death Valley.

Leaving Rhyolite we made our way back into Death Valley to complete our tour of this park. Today we travelled right through the park and out into snow and western movie country of Lone Pine. We stopped at the film museum and were educated in early western films it was very interesting.

We settled into Mammoth Lakes for the night And decided we should spend a few hours here in theorizing before we move onto Yosemite later in the day.

So with that we will see you tomorrow night.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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