Native Pear

Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Cynanchum
Species: floribundum
Main Flower Colour: White


Shrubs with twining branches to c. 1 m high, new growth pubescent.

Leaves with lamina ovate to narrow-lanceolate, 3–9 cm long, 10–30 mm wide, apex long-acuminate, base cuneate to cordate, glabrous, mostly with 2 basal glands; petiole 10–30 mm long.

Inflorescence dense, ± umbellate. Calyx lobes c. 2 mm long. Corolla 5–8 mm long, creamy above, greenish to purplish below. Corona tubular with 20 narrow-acuminate lobes, longer than anthers and ± as long as corolla.

Follicles ovoid, 3–5 cm long, acuminate, sometimes falcate, pubescent, thin-walled; seeds with coma 10–25 mm long.


The main flower colour is white.


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Bio Regions

Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD)

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