Blogs: Find Blogs - By Member

Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009 at 17:43


Our blogs system allows you to quickly find blogs by ExplorOz Members. Under the Find Blogs title, you will see a drop down list function allowing you to find blogs By Member. Click the drop down list box to see a full list of all ExplorOz members who currently have blogs. After clicking on a Member, you are then taken to their MyBlog Page, where you will also see their screen name. A great feature is the By Date function, which is shown under My Blog Search. Clicking this drop down list, you will see one or more dates showing month and year. Think of it like a month view of all the blogs created by that Member. It is a good tool to use especially if a Member has many blogs. In some cases, you can get a feel for when big trips were undertaken, because the months and year may be grouped together.

In a Member’s MyBlog Page, you will see their rig picture, along with a button titled My Profile that will take you to their My Profile Page. Click this and you can learn more about the Member such as: the State they live in; how long they have been an ExplorOz Member for; the vehicle they drive; Callsign; and an About Me description. You can also click the Send Message link to send the Member an instant message if they are online. (Please note - most functionality such as Member Message, creating and editing blogs, commenting on blogs etc, is only available to ExplorOz Members).

You can also change the Display Options to Photo View if you want to see all the photos the Member has loaded into blogs. Each gallery image gives you the image title/description and the link to the blog the image is featured in - just click the Open Blog link to get there.

After reading a Member's blog, why not give them a comment. It’s easy to do, just scroll down at the end of the blog where it says ‘Submit Your Comment’. Type your comment in the text box, use the spell checker if you wish, and then press the Submit button. It’s always nice to receive comments and feedback as blogs can sometimes take a fair bit of time to create, especially if there are photos and videos added. In a lot of cases, the Member will read your comments and may also reply back.
Business Member: My Profile  My Blog  Send Message
BlogID: 1481
Views: 12956

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