EOTopo History: 13 Nov 2013 - 2013.4 (Online)

Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 at 22:54


As promised the task of road data updates has started and these minor updates (well the task is major but the result is sort of minor) are being released into the online product as they are competed. There are a great number of updates needed before the next major release of the 200K product but work is under-way.

All road names converted to title case.
Database fields rationalised to remove unwanted GeoScience fields.
Added new updated date field.
Set-up correct GIS environment to support road data management.
Converted the ExplorOzTile.map file to support new data select fields and naming changes.

Roads Updates
WA: Full re-alignment Forrest Hwy, Kwinana Fwy (North & South), Indian Ocean Drive and supporting nearby roads, minor realignments in the Perth City area.
NSW: Full re-alignment Pacific Hwy, Sydney to Brisbane including all new 2013 dual carriageway adjustments. Supporting side roads and minor regional city adjustments to support major update to Pacific Hwy.

These updates are now visible in the EOTopo Online system.

NOTE: Your browser caching may not push update all tiles to your browser as there is a 7 day cache setting so if you have recently used the Online system and looked at a certain area you may not get the latest tiles. You can clear your browser cache if you really want to see the latest tiles.
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