ExplorOz Traveller Versions: 08 May 2019 - V3.6.4

Wednesday, May 08, 2019 at 11:11


Features Added

  • Ability to open Server Tracking view even if Track Logging not running (must be a track logging user)

Updates Applied

  • Corrected issue with offline photo syncing that caused images to not upload
  • Corrected issue that caused private places to disappear from the map when app started in Map view mode
  • Updated SyncAll function to run regardless of app start page
  • Minor update in app store purchase checking process to correct requesting login

Store Status

  • Play Store available 8th May 2019 01:00am AEST
  • Apple App Store available 8th May 03:25am AEST
  • Windows Store available 8th May 07:44pm AEST
Access to the updates can take several hours after availability and approval in the stores. Look on the Home screen at the bottom for the version number.
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