The Blue Swimmer Crab

These crabs often have a blue body and stick like legs and claws. Found in all states of Australia, especially popular in SA, NSW and QLD

 Catching a Blue Swimmer Crab

Use jelly fish for bait and use a very light float on top of your dilly. Don't set them too close to the shore because blue swimmer crabs do not like octopus and steer well clear of areas they live in.

Sport Value

No sporting or fighting capabilities


Two hoops joined by a cylindrical or cone-shaped net bag, 107cm maximum hoop diameter. Witches hat dillies are good for a quick catch


jelly fish, chicken necks, Fish (Whiting, Bream, my Ruff, Garfish), Squid, Raw Red Meat

 Eating a Blue Swimmer Crab

Features a mild flavoured, moist and firm flesh that is translucent when raw and white when cooked. The shell also turns red or bright orange when cooked.
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