Comment: From Elliston Eyre Peninsula SA across the Nullarbor to Kalgoorlie WA.

Lovely to read your report Heather, it brings back memories of our trip there last year. The pink colour of the water at Rowles lagoon is I think due to a bacteria that grows in saline water. There are other pink lakes around eg in western Victoria. Have a great trip,
J and V
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Reply By: Member-Heather MG NSW - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 00:53

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 00:53
Thanks Val,
Yes we saw the pink lakes in far west Vic when we came through to SA via Pinaroo a couple of years ago and wondered whether Rowles Lagoon was pink for the same reason. Whatever... it is very striking.
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AnswerID: 547084

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