Comment: My Raw Food Experiences (Michelle)
Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 12, 2013 at 09:54
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Member - Beatit (QLD)
Hi Michelle, I found the China Study to be both Comtroversial and Inspiring! After a number of decades of looking at diets and trying more than a few to manage weight control I became scynical about all the food related publications. It was with some trepidation that I picked up this book at all.
The main push in this book is to have you move away from animal protien. The reason is health related as the author has spent many decades as a scientist advising the US government about the links of animal protien and cancer. As a diet scynic I found the argument to be so compeling that I have changed my diet and can see a total vegetarian diet in the not to distant future. My wife and I started our journey in July last year and it has not been a simple one mainly because of our past eating habits, culture, cooking preferences and not the least our lack of understanding about total nutrition. The steady change has allowed us to come to terms with these issues and it is fair to say that we are feeling much better for it.
Interestingly we are finding our best resources to be vegan related information because their ideoligy pushes them along the same path (for different reasons than ours off course - they want to save the animals we want to save ourselves).
Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:18
Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:18
Yes and I think that's where I find myself heading now too. I might take a look at that book then. Sounds like its been very rewarding for you and your wife -
well done for taking ownership of your health and making such a huge effort - it's certainly not easy when culture, habits, cooking prefs etc all need adjustment to achieve the goal. A couple of books I've been reading lately are: Invisible Mircacles - the Revolution in Cellular Nutrition by Dr Myron Wentz, Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko, and Raw Food for Dummies.