Friday, Sep 25, 2015 at 08:33
Good to see it open again I suppose, but not tempted to go that way anytime soon, want to get across
the desert without the ned for pricy repairs beforehand.
You're right about idiots not slowing down Bill, especially annoying are those towing, because they throw rebounding stones out too !
We had 4 windscreens go on a Simmo trip in July, 3 on that section of BV Tk going north from Mungerannie.
All bad star cracks that would need replacement back in town.
We also had 2 punctures at pretty much the same spot just past Mung,
mine was a tek screw, most likely rattled out of a camper :/
Or maybe Phil throws a box out there now and then ?? Nah :)
We also pulled off near the Inside Tk turn off for a break, there was a caravan with blown out windows, result of a gas explosion (no one hurt thankfully) getting loaded onto a flat bed RAA truck, and a convoy of towed campers came through at estimated 80 + ks.
Didn't slow to minimise for us and the other party parked off the side.
Just inconsiderate.
Second vehicle and camper slowed down, probably to look at camper being loaded, the one behind near ran up his ar$e not paying attention.
He had to pull out to the side and had to overtake him unintentionally, otherwise he would have hit him.
Love the Old Strz Tk, a bit if a secret (was), as it's a nice alternative to the trucks, corros, and bulldust patches of the main track.