Went thru the new permit process for access to the Mt Skene snowfields recently and conclude that for those eligible it went about as smooth and painless as possible.
We remain opposed to systems which generate elitist groups whether it
be to seek to deny access to icons like the top of Ayer's
rock or making access to Mt Skene for basically club members and maintain our boycott of
Mansfield in protest!
But working within the system does work, albeit restricting your flexibility.
In this case forms have to be submitted 7 days in advance to four wheel drive Vic, listing your qualifications, vehicles - equipment etc and the form can be returned to you by email. (
For what is essentially a volunteer organization this part of the process actually is pretty good.
Permits cost no money - but consume everyone's time.
Like many trips - we had several changes, people coming/not coming/coming etc and this is where the system doesn't work so
well and requires FWDV to resubmit change details to both police and council.
A suggestion I will make is that when it comes to attendance (Not including the applicant/trip leader) that the applicant simply take responsibility and just emailing FWDV with the new car's rego.
Hopefully, if challenged an explaination would suffice if a last minute substitute car came.
As it was their was no one checking permits on the day anyway.
The actual trip to Mt Skene could hardly have been more perfect, we were among the first cars up there and had a lovely mostly sunny day.
Some hardy group had however camped on the mountain top overnight.
There was up to 1/2 meter of hard packed snow covering all the mountain tops and you drove in the snow for some 12kms, not including side tracks.
The snow was so good that you could drive on top of it without disturbing ground underneath.
We drove round in one big circle once and not even the slightest vegetation damage occurred.
Even the greenies would have to be pleased - its to late though, I have already followed FWDV's advice and voted them last.
Throughout the near perfect day we encountered some 40 vehicles which was down on the 100+ we have seen before in similar conditions.
Conditions were such that some snatching was required in fresh snow but most cars were ok when following the lead cars tracks.
We have been to this place since the 70's in HD holdens etc and its a real shame that so many now get denied the chance to take their families to such a wonderful playground.
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