Forum Rules

The Rules of our Forum may be different to other Forums you visit so you are encouraged to read these before posting to avoid moderation. Some of these rules are in place to maintain compliance with Google Ads policies, which is important revenue that helps us to maintain our business.

Your Rights & Obligations

To minimse misunderstandings and to maintain a polite and professional atmosphere we have a set of Forum Rules to govern and control the manner in which the Forum is used by all. There are also legal ramifications that can arise from Forum posts so these rules serve to protect you. Your use of the Forum assumes you have read and agree to these rules. You also accept to have your post(s) moderated for any breach of these rules as outlined in the Moderation Policy.

For Sale/Wanted to Buy/Giveaway Rule

This site offers a specific facility for users to post For Sale, Wanted to Buy, and Free/Giveaway notices. See Classifieds. If you are a Member and have ads running there, your Forum postings will automatically contain links to each ad. If you are not a Member you are not permitted to promote your ads in the Forum.

The Advertising/Self-Promotion Rule

No advertising is allowed on the Forum. If you are a business, please book site advertising via Google AdWords and target your content to - we are an Adwords publisher so you can specifically target ads to only appear on our site using this facility.

The Foul Language Rule

All swear words (heavy & common) are prohibited - including words with letter substitutions such as astericks, dashes or any other symbol. Posts containing any words of this nature are subject to moderation, furthermore a selection of heavy-weight swear words has been programmed to be automatically replaced with the word "bleep".

The Personal Attack Rule

Abuse, insults and personal attacks directed at other people, particularly other site users, or Forum moderators, are unacceptable. Alert a moderator immediatley if you, or another person is receiving Personal Attack.

The Trolling Rule

Trolling is activity that incites controversy, conflict, causes annoyance or offence. Trolling is unacceptable on this Forum.

The Friday Funny Rule

Friday Funny Posts are not allowed on this site. Yes they have been a feature of this site for many years but due to continually being penalised by Google financially, our hand was forced to remove this facility. If you make a post in the Forum of this nature, it will be moderated/removed for breaching the Friday Funny Rule - any day of the week.

The Inappropriate Rule

Any post that breaches our Site Terms of Use will be moderated.

The Moderation Complaints Rule

Quite simply, if your post has been moderated, or you disagree with the fact that someone else's post was moderated, don't retaliate. Check the email you were sent, which explains why the post was removed. If you are upset over the handling of a moderated post, respond to the moderator using email (not online) and state your case politely. If you retaliate with threats, you will simply be ignored or banned for a period of time. See our Legal Threats Policy.

Post Removed by Request

Modsquad have removed a post upon request from the original poster.

Duplicate Post Removed

Modsquad have removed a post due to an identified duplicate. This often occurs unwittingly by the original poster, and is usually due to the poster clicking Submit post more than once when loading the post to the Forum.

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Page Stats

Created: October 2008
Revised: November 2022
Latest Feedback: January 2025

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