Tasmania – To Go or Not To Go?

Wednesday, Nov 04, 2015 at 16:59

Navigator 1 (NSW)

Having to rush across the Nullabor and SA into Melbourne to get new ‘House Batteries’ meant that we were in Melbourne 6 weeks prior our intended sailing date to Tasmania.

Now we know we could have gone to the Vic High Country, or many other destinations but having been to most we felt that we would be just filling in time.

With bookings solid on the refurbished ships we were unable to change our sailing date so we cancelled.

There will be another time and it is not as though we haven’t spent time on the island. In 2011 we traveled around the island for 3 months going up all the tracks we could find – all except the Balfour Track. This one I think Hugo will never get to see unless a few of his truckie mates join us. We would need something with a little grunt to pull us out of the bogs along the Balfour.

Once the decision was made we were home in Sydney in 2 days.

• A fantastic trip!

• 17,524 km

Now, where will we go next year?

The outback calls
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