From: Hugh
Sent: Friday, 23 May 2014 15:21
My departure date is coming quickly, but not quickly enough. Sunday seems so far away.
The vehicle is packed, fridge works, windscreen is clean all that is left to do is put my bum in the driving
seat and switch on the navigation.
It is amazing how last minute things crop up. For example, the
UHF radio. I decided to have it serviced even though it worked
well on my last outing. The aerial cable not good and off frequency, just as
well the service was done. I had installed TyreDog pressure monitors but the relay failed. Good service from the supplier and rapid return now has them back in place and working fine.
I have contacted a Land Rover service centre in
Cairns as my next service falls due when I arrive there. All booked and ready to roll.
OK I am not sure which cat I drove over but now the dash cam is on the blink. I was hoping to use it for video on the trip. Will have to fix it on the run.
If you come up behind me, give me a call and lets enjoy part of the journey together.