Shop: New Geographic Coverage Comparison

Thursday, Oct 28, 2010 at 19:26


A new feature allowing you to compare the Geographic coverage of multiple EO Shop items has just been introduced to the shop. This is available for any items that have a Coverage Map file (maps, books and DVD's that are specifically relevant to a particular region).

When looking at the Coverage Map on a product page, you can open a list of similar products that are sold in the EO Shop and click to compare.

These items are listed in order of mapping scale, the higher up the list, the more detailed the mapping is.

Like the look of a similar item? A window opens that allows you to go to the full product page.

If you’re looking for maps and books to plan and navigate your next trip, give this feature a try now, and get the most detailed and relevant products for your needs.
Online Shop- Adele
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