
Tuesday, Mar 14, 2017 at 00:54

Sand Man (SA)

Have just tested two new (to me) methods for tracking and forwarding the tracking data to EOTrackMe.
EOTraveller for iPhone (Replaces UTrackMe app)
The first was via my iPhone 5 using the EO Traveller app. Initial results are excellent and is a great improvement over the UTrackMe app I previously used, which resulted in spurious tracking data due to prolonged absence from Cell Tower coverage. My upcoming trip to the Pilbara and Kimberley will determine how practical the facility is to accurately record our entire trip.
Spot 3 Messenger
The second (expensive) method is via a Spot 3 Messenger device I have just purchased and I am somewhat disappointed with the "inaccurate" tracking ability when forwarded to EOTrackMe. Because this device only transmits coordinates at intervals, the accuracy of a track relating to a road traveled is not there. The minimum time interval is 2 1/2 minutes which is still too far apart to record accurate changes in direction when driving along a track.
I think this device will be purely used to "communicate" a particular GPS location and "All OK" email to family and friends when we are out of phone coverage for an extended period and as a SOS device of last resort should we need use this feature. This device will replace my GME 510G PLB which has reached the end of its battery life.
Hema Navigator
I am a bit of a nut in being able to record long remote trips for future reference.
I also have a HEMA Navigator which records a trek, but I have experienced the occasional problem with even this device over extended trips, probably due to my continuing "learning curve" of the best configuration to automatically save recorded track data before it is overwritten. I currently have this set to auto save track tail data every day but there will be some periods of "rest" where we are stationary for a few days and the device will be switched off during this time.
Not any one device does everything one wants:-(

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!
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