Albany - more on the development of Albany

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014 at 22:31


Albany Museum and historic centre

The Eclipse building houses the Marine Discovery Centre and the prism from the former Eclipse Island lighthouse is a centrepiece of the Lighthouse exhibition. The Residency (Circa 1850) contains displays of Indigenous and local history as well as temporary exhibitions in the gallery. Also close by are the Brig Amity and Mouchemore’s Cottage, the Mount Barker Cooperative building, the old Torbay one teacher school, and the Old Goal.

Further development of the town of Albany

In 1885 a rail link was constructed between Perth and Albany. During the 1890s gold rush in the Coolgardie Kalgoorlie region many would be fortune seekers disembarked at Albany to take the long trek to the goldfields. The Holland Track was opened up in 1893 to expedite this journey.

At that time Albany was home to the only deep-water port in Western Australia at Princess Royal Harbour until the opening of the Port of Fremantle in 1900.

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