How to set up a Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS Receiver to work in Windows

Saturday, Dec 07, 2019 at 12:37

Stephen L (Clare) SA

Over two years ago, I went down the Bluetooth GPS Receiver path with the help from a couple of ExplorOz Members.

I wanted a unit that was going to be reliable, would be able to work on more than one computer at a time, and most important, easy to use.

Following on John’s advise, I looked into the Bad Elf GPS Pro, that had a refresh rate of ten times per second, was stable up to speeds of 1,600 kilometres per hour, and will work up to 18,000 metres above sea level, and most important of all, will work on all forms of Bluetooth operating systems, Apple, Android and Windows.

When the unit arrived, I tried to follow the onscreen help to get the unit to work on my Windows 10 computers. Yes the computers paired up immediately and the unit was shown in the Bluetooth devices as paired, but try as I did, when I tried to set the unit up in OziExplorer, the unit would not start live tracking and would not recognise a Bluetooth GPS Receiver.

Ok, when in doubt, read the instruction……which as good as they were, were only for Apple units only. So now I would try the unit on my Wi Fi only iPad.

First of all they suggest you download the Bad Elf App, which I did and with it installed, there was a firmware update, which was a simple update. Once paired to the iPad, I hopped into the car, and the unit worked fine, just like OziExplorer, so this at least told me the unit was working fine.

By now and more than two hours of hair pulling had taken place, and there was no way I could get the Bad Elf to work and be recognised on OziExplorer.

Next step, was to give a 9pm South Australian time phone call to my friend and fellow EO Member, Chris over in Melbourne. For over an hour we tried to work things out step by step over the phone, with Chris even going online and looking at the instructions for setting the unit up, which showed nothing for Windows, yet clearly state that it will work on all 3 operatating systems for Apple, Android and Windows.

By this stage I was about to thought the Bad Elf out the Window and then I literally stumbled across one very simple setting, that is not mentioned in any of the instructions…”Streaming NMEA”

Low and behold, the Bad Elf are set to the NMEA for Apple only, so I then ticked the only other option, and I had nothing to lose, which was “Simplified NMEA in GGA and RMC” format only.

With fingers crossed, I opened Ozi again on my Windows 10 computer, hit the icon to start moving maps and I immediately had the arrow icon and the usual moving map was working perfectly.

Why this was not mentioned in any wording, even on the Bad Elf website has me stumped, but thought trial and error, I finally had it working the way it should.

The advantages of Bluetooth is far superior than to have it linked via a cable, and a GPS receiver, and it has worked faultlessly for a couple of long remote trips, including the Kimberly, Arnhem Land and the Cape York.

So now here is the four second steps to set up a Bad Elf GPS receiver to work on a Windows computer, and yet it is only seconds to set up after you have the App downloaded and your Bad Elf paired to your iPad.

Step 1

Download and install the Bad Elf App

Step 2

Open the App, select the Bad Elf GPS Receiver that you have

Step 3

Turn on your Bad Elf GPS receiver and pair with your iPad and you will get the below screen.

Step 4

With the app open, you then set up the unit to what you want the unit to display, eg metres over feet, kilometres over mile per hour etc.

Now for the information that you will not find anywhere,,,,,

Step 5

On the second to last setting on the right of the screen is the cogs tab and Bluetooth Settings.

Open this tab.

Step 6

Go down to the very bottom setting which is the key to success

Streaming NMEA

Step 7

With this screen open, you will see two settings, and standard as set up from Bad Elf will be the top setting that will be ticked which is Default NMEA, All NMEA sentences………this the key why it will not talk to Windows Computers.

Tick the second option, which is Simplified NMEA, GGA and RMC only.

With this selected, you are now ready to start OziExploroer and be on the road with your moving maps working perfectly.

Stephen Langman

December 2019
Smile like a Crocodile
BlogID: 7656
Views: 9230

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