
Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 16:16

Stephen L (Clare) SA

When you think of Outback South Australia, most people would think of waterless and desert country that is not be suitable for human habitation.

Located more than 150 kilometres north of Oodnadatta, located in remote South Australia there is a very special location that for thousands of years was a very important site for the original Aboriginal people of the area, and in 1879 was take up as a pastoral lease, running around 4000 head of cattle and over 150 horses while in 1899 the lease was taken up by Australia’s Pastoral King, Sydney Kidman to form part of the Kidman Empire.

Eringa is a large permanent waterhole where there are the remains of its former pastoral history and another very special thing is the old, hand made stockyards are heritage listed.

It you ever visit this special remote location in South Australia, please respect the history of the area and take nothing but photos and leave nothing bit footprints.

Smile like a Crocodile
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