Going back into
Tibooburra, we went to the NPWS office to pick up brochures and have a look at some wildlife and historical displays. From
Tibooburra we headed west towards
Fort Grey, arriving at the
campground about lunchtime. As we stopped we heard a hissing sound – air escaping from our “new” tyre. It was nearly flat – we just had time to get the jack under it before it went right down. We had just come about 140km travelling at about 90kph. Our second lucky escape in as many days! So a quick change-over; we’ll look into repairs at Innaminka.
On the way to
Fort Grey (which was close to where Sturt had a base
camp for some of his expeditions) we stopped at the Waka claypan
– an amazing sight but difficult to photograph, with flat red mud, dried into regular shaped blocks. The road ran right across it – probably impassable after rain. The rest of the road ran through sand dunes covered with
bright yellow daisies. With the sun out the colours are spectacular, especially the contrast of the flowers with the
bright red sand. The difference between grazed areas (some of the road ran through pastoral land) and the National Park was very marked, especially in the quantity of
At the NP we set out to walk to Pinaroo Lake. This is a substantial area, Ramsar listed, where the water level is currently rather lower than its record flood level in 1974. Then it was maybe 10m higher flooding the
Fort Grey homestead which was built in the ‘50’s. Many mature trees – river red gums and coolibah mostly, which were growing on the lake bed (which is several km across) had died due to flooding.
Sunrise at Pinaroo Lake
New growth was evident in distinct bands around the edges of the lake as seeds germinated at the edge of the water as the water level fell. We eventually arrived at the water, which was
well out across the clover covered and sweet smelling lake bed. Signs indicated that there is a walking track right around the lake, and also across it when the water is lower. These would have taken rather more time so we relaxed for a while watching some of the water birds in the distance. On the return trip we passed some signs pointing to aboriginal cooking hearths that would have been close to the water if the lake had been fuller. These were just small circles of stone, though there were a few of them. Our cooking that evening was done in daylight on a gas BBQ at the
campground, so we were able to turn in early after a long day and some real exercise.
Fort Grey we headed for
Cameron Corner about 30 km away. Went through and across plenty of red dunes with patches of flowers. The border
gate is a large structure with
Border Gate, Cameron Corner
lots of warnings about penalties for not closing the
gate etc. We checked out the local facilities and the corner post - which is a few metres away from the fence. The fence was initially built to keep rabbits out of NSW; that didn't work so now it is maintained for dingos. Anyway, it's an impressive fence - rabbit netting along the bottom then coarse netting topped by about 5 barbs - about 6' high on heavy steel posts.
Then on to
Innamincka via Bollards Lagoon - $10 to use the private road, which saves about 100 km. This took us across an extensive dry "lagoon" area, into dunes and past a big windmill (now not used) to the property boundary about 65 km away. Stopped and climbed a dune to take photos of the first spinifex we had come across, its very prickly.
Spinifex is very prickly!
On leaving the property the road became known as The
Bore Track - narrow, corrugated and with lots of junctions and bends. It seemed to go on forever - driving required a lot of concentration. We came out onto a good road but shortly afterwards the
Innamincka signs suggested that the
Bore Track was the way to go. (Subsequent consultation with the map showed a main road a few kms further west.)
Along the Bore Track
We followed the
Bore Track however as it degenerated into two wheel tracks and eventually we ran out of signs at an unmarked
junction. Which way do we go? We finally came out onto gibber and clay country, pretty rough before joining the main road about 20 km from
Innamincka consists of little more than a pub and trading post, plus the NP office/museum in the restored
Australian Inland Mission hospital. We got the tyre repaired and checked out the conveniences. Camping is on the common beside Cooper Ck. As Desert Parks pass-holders, we were entitled to use the other side of the creek, so had plenty of room. The creek is very muddy and local water seems to come directly from here - at least it's a similar khaki colour.
Cooper Creek at Innaminka
Nevertheless we used it to wash our clothes.
The next day we went back into "town" for bread, water and to
check out the display in the parks office. (Opening hours - "when the
ranger is in".) Displays are a series of informative panels about the history of the area -
Bourke and Wills, aborigines, pastoralists, AIM hospital and its restoration in 1994 after being a ruin for almost 50 years.
Rubbish has to be taken to the tip which is heavily populated by crows and black kites, which we had seen earlier and wondered at their numbers.
Then we headed for
Coongie Lake. The road at first was pretty good across flat country, but the last 50 km (where we passed a string of camels) were heavily corrugated with sharp gutters and with soft sand approaching the lake. The lake is beautiful (if muddy) with pelicans, spoonbills, ducks, kites and friendly crows. There are snail shells and big mussel shells.
We found a great spot to
camp out on a point with water
A great spot to camp
on both sides. It’s very still and calm - we could hear the sound of the air flowing over the pelican's wings as they glided. There are only a couple of other campers.
Coongie Sunset
Next morning there was some cloud that built up during the day, consequently we decided to head back to
Innamincka in the afternoon, rather than risk crossing wet areas. Spent a leisurely morning and early afternoon exploring dunes and the lake shore and seeing a big variety of birds, though not in large numbers. Found a cluster of swifts' (?) mud nests. Galahs and corellas were nesting and loudly warned off intruders. Crows checked out campsites for crumbs.
Flowers and red dunes at Coongie Lake
Plenty of black kites; watched spoonbills feeding, pelicans etc. Wind whipped up small waves on the lake but later died down. We were reluctant to leave such a beautiful spot.
On the way back towards
Innamincka stopped off at Kudremitchie
camp area on the NW branch of
Cooper Creek - a real surprise as it's not apparent until you're right on it. The creek is quite big and looks deep, and is lined with magnificent river red gums. Saw a water rat. It would be a good place to
camp, especially with a canoe.
Then back onto the road. Listened on the UHF to people mustering - we saw the gear - helicopter and gyrocopter, and them on bikes further on. The cattle were in very good condition.
Back in town we camped again on the common where we had the pass-holder's side of the creek entirely to ourselves. Cloud was thickening and some light showers made for a hurried meal and early night, though we did have a fire - a rarity so far on this trip.
The next morning was still
grey and overcast and the forecast was for showers, so we were uncertain what to do. Val wasn’t feeling too
well either. So we decided to head south to the Gammon and
Flinders Ranges and take it easy for a couple of days. Before leaving Innaminka we visited the very small
cemetery with
graves dating back to about 1906. Quite a few
graves are unmarked.
We followed the
Strzelecki Track towards Moomba, passing some high and very red dunes.
Paper diasies stand out against red sand
Big white paper daisies are everywhere as is parakeelya, making brilliant purple patches. Moomba is not open to the public but the viewing area has a good description of the oil and gas operation, and we were able to take some photos. The road south was very good but the country was quite open and featureless. We stopped at
Montecollina Bore, an artesian
bore dug to provide water for cattle. The
bore certainly looked inviting as the water coming out of the pipe was quite hot. The country around the
bore is made up of mounds of white sand, an amazing sight.
Further south we turned off the
Strzelecki Track towards the
Gammon Ranges NP and the road became rougher, especially where it crossed dry creek beds. The early part of this road crossed very flat salt plain country with distant ranges breaking the skyline. These ranges became more spectacular as we approached, reminding us that this is Hans Heysen country. If we needed further proof the dry creeks are lined with beautiful big river red gums, looking just like a Heysen painting.
Magnificent river red gums
By now the wind had got up and it was quite cool, but on the radio we heard that further south there have been storms with hail and so local flooding, so we can’t complain. We drive on taking care to avoid the numerous shingle-backs basking on the road. Finally settle into the Weetootla
camp area, do a bit of quick exploration and turn in early. We are on our own.
Next morning it was still cool and windy but we walked for some distance along a walking track, admiring the local rocks glowing red in the morning light. Back at the Park HQ we had a welcome hot shower in the apparently new amenities block. Feeling clean and refreshed we continued driving south, lured on by he increasingly spectacular hills.
Gorge had been recommended to us as a place that encapsulated the look and feel of the
Flinders Ranges. Although it is away from the main ranges it proved to be a real gem. The surrounding country is desert, but heading into
the gorge the road follows a creekline with occasional pools of water, and beautiful big gum trees. There was great excitement when we found our
Sturt's Desert Peas
first wild Sturt’s Desert Peas just growing in sand and gravel in the creek bed – a magnificent sight!
We drove as far as vehicles are permitted then backtracked a bit to find a more sheltered spot and set up
camp before setting out to explore. We were fascinated by big thin sheets of slate in the creek bed below Mt Chambers. We found a
sign pointing to an aboriginal petroglyph site, so continuing along below some big cliffs we began to find markings. The best were at the furthest end – signs indicating animal tracks, water, and a
camp and initiation site.
Mt Chambers broods over Chambers Gorge
The whole place had a special feel about it and must have been a significant place for the people who once lived there.
The next day we went still further south to the small town of
Blinman which is an old copper mining town dating back to the 1860s. The
mine was worked in 3 or 4 stages finally closing about 1907. The remnants of
old mine buildings, slag heaps etc are still visible and have been developed into a
well signposted walking trail. The
mine itself was worked by Cornish miners who dug out 200,000 tons of copper worth $30 million in current values – all by pick and shovel. The shafts are open and an adit (horizontal tunnel) goes into the main shaft at about the 70 foot level. The
mine is open to the public – while we were there a tour bus came in and we tagged along.
The town has some old buildings built of local stone and a few post-and-daub cottages, one in particularly good condition. This is yet another area where we could spend more time exploring, but we are also eager to move on and see what is around the next bend.
Distant Flinders Ranges
So continuing on we stopped at various lookouts for increasingly close
views of the walls of
Wilpena Pound; they are misty blue in the afternoon light. Taking a quick look at the
Wilpena Pound campground – its big and busy – we decide to move on to a
bush camp at Bunyeroo. The
views along this road are spectacular to the point
Near Wilpena Pound
of being a bit overwhelming. This is tempered by the knowledge that the road that we are on has been closed by flooding but is currently open to 4WDs, so we are OK but we hope that the rain holds off. We went out towards
Brachina Gorge until we came to where the road ran along the flooded creek bed for about one kilometre – we continued on, not without some trepidation but all was
well and we were able to make it to Acraman
campsite, new, clean and quiet. Again we are on our own, with a Cyprus campfire to ward off the cold and damp.
We had been warned that the road through
Brachina Gorge was rough, and indeed it was. The creekbed was again the road for several kilometres – it had been roughly cleared of big boulders, but that just left big holes behind. But
the gorge was spectacular as it cut through very ancient rocks revealing
rock layers laid down about 600 million years ago. These rocks are too old to have much in the way of fossils, there are just a few multicelled fossils in the younger rocks.
Brachina Gorge
It’s mind boggling to contemplate. The site is considered to be of world standard and one of the best “time slices” known. Interpretive signs along the track helped us to make sense of it all.
Finally we were through
the gorge, emerging onto the plain at the western edge of the
Flinders Ranges, and back into desert again. We headed north beside the railway lines, old and new. We did a detour into the historic township of
Beltana which was a
“jumping off' point for inland
explorers and was also used as a base for Afghan camel teams.
John Flynn lived there briefly and it had an OTL repeater station. Now, while some houses are occupied by long term residents, many are
ruins. But we did fund some
quandong trees with ripe fruit so had our first taste of this truly Aussie fruit – dry and sharp but quite pleasant.