West Coast Day 110 - Pilbara Coast

Monday, Nov 09, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Since the Adcocks had discovered that Clearverville was a no-go zone for us we drove on to Karratha. We stopped for petrol and shopping at the largest shopping centre in WA other than Perth. David bought another fishing rod, this one being more suitable for beach fishing than his barra rod and I bought a pair of shorts. I selected a pair of linen shorts on special for $19.95 on a rack at the front of the shop and then found more colours inside. I changed colours but when I went to pay for them, was told that they would cost me $25. I couldn't understand why but was told that although they were the same as the others, they were new stock. I said I couldn't buy them as I only had a $20 dollar note and then another shopper passed the storekeeper the required $5! Of course, I refused but the lady told me she loved to help others. So, as I needed them and just didn't have the money to buy them, I thanked her and bought my lovely new blue linen shorts with her money.

Leaving Karratha we drove out towards Dampier to see the Woodside Petroleum NorthWest Shelf Gas Project. Along the way, we stopped at the Hammersley Iron Security Gate to obtain a permit for driving along their railway service road from Dampier to Tom Price through the Hammersley Ranges. The permit was free, the drive would be interesting, and we thought we'd set off after visiting the Woodside Petroleum Visitors Centre.

When we saw the Gas Project and had looked through the visitors centre we were really impressed and drove up to the tip of the Burrup Penninsula to view the whole operation.

On our way down out of the Burrup Penninsula we took a turn-off to see Hearson's Cove for a quick swim. When we arrived we were mesmerized by the beautiful clear blue water and decided to beach camp here for a few days. We almost had the place to ourselves with only a bus and trailer at the other end of the beach.

Rob and David got out their new fishing gear and set about catching bait fish firstly by cutting oysters off the rocks and then threading them onto small hooks on hand-lines. They caught a whole bucket load of whiting, garfish and baby bream. By the time they thought they had enough to start fishing the tide had turned and within 15 minutes there was no water left in the bay. We kept the bucket of fish for tomorrow's fishing session.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025
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