West Coast Day 124 - Ningaloo Reef

Monday, Nov 23, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Today we explored a little further south along the Ningaloo coastline and stopped at beautiful Turquoise Bay. As the name suggests the colour of the water is just an incredible, pretty blue. The spot is popular for snorkelling but the wind was so strong and the current moving quite fast, that I didn't get in for a few hours. Finally, once the tide was fully in, I ventured in the water. The bay is protected by the reef, but huge waves crash over the coral on the incoming tide, making currents quite treacherous. The snorkelling was ok but I didn't really venture far enough out to make a fair comment. I took some video footage here to remember it well.

As we didn't catch any fish today, we had to eat meat. I had the frozen mince, which was now well and truly defrosted so we prepared that as a Pad Thai noodle dish with fresh chilli, green capsicum, egg omelete pieces, tin bean sprouts and fresh snow peas. It was tasty, even if we only used half of the packet flavour sachet because Jackson dropped it on the ground! Ah, the joys of travelling with kids.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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