Sydney to Perth Day 5

Thursday, Dec 30, 1999 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

We had a long morning drive to Wanaaring on soft red dirt that was flooded on both sides of the road. It seemed that the further west we drove the wetter the conditions (yet, still the sun was shining at we expected it would all evaporate soon enough). Just after lunch, after 6 hours of driving we came to a sign showing ALL ROADS CLOSED to the North, South, East and West of where we were. Never had that before... we backtracked to the Wanaaring Police Station to have it confirmed that all tracks to Innamincka were impassable. We were told to backtrack and head SouthWest to Cobar, Wilcannia, Broken Hill then up the Silver City Highway. That was just too far to go in 24 hours and we guessed we weren't going to make it to Innamincka in time. In fact, we only got as far as a truck stop outside Wilcannia for the night.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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