New Life Day 5 - Sydney to Cairns

Tuesday, Jul 28, 1998 at 17:20

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

I was keen to get up and take photos of the sunrise over Great Keppel island.

Drove from Yeppoon into Rockhampton and shopped until 1.45pm. We went to ARB and TJM pricing suspension and then bought from ARB a snorkel head, pluming heads, maps, grey sheepskin seat covers, cryvac meat and fresh food and a spare trailer pin. At 1.45pm we hit the highway north to Mackay.We arrived at 5.20pm at the Big 4 camping ground. We used the campers kitchen with electric BBQs, gas stoves and stainless wash basins. We cooked fillet steak, salad, red wine, bread. We had a run along the beach front before dinner. Had a great shower and hand-fed and patted a small possum before dinner. He loved the red key tag I had for the shower block and jumped onto my chest to get it.. In the morning we were woken by something sounding like a Mac truck. Upon investigation we found only ducks and lyrebirds.

David’s quote: "My mouth tastes like I’m chewing a mouldy sock".
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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