Cape York Day 16 - Cairns to Weipa

Saturday, Aug 08, 1998 at 15:44

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Rest day at Bathurst Bay – day’s events covered by Michelle Jacka

Due to a very late arrival at Bathurst Bay last night most camps were erected hurriedly and with little thought to the angle of the relentless sun at this beach camp. Consequently, there were numerous camp shuffles including the banishment of our pair of notorious late night gigglers. The campsite moves were definitely worthwhile with temperatures in the shade topping 38 degrees. The morning started with news of a fish having been caught off the beach by Tony and Donald sighting 3 crocodiles. At 10am Collyn took us to the rock pools to escape the heat of the day. By mid-afternoon the sandflies had begun to attack and home remedies were being shared. The only remedy found successful was metho and is highly recommended for anyone visiting Bathhurst Bay. For others, the day was spent repairing vehicles that had suffered the arduous trip to the Bay. Trevor had the carburetor out of his Jeep and completely stripped and cleaned it using water and a siphon. He and Jeff also had tyres to repair and David Martin and Donald tried to clean the dust out of their air filters. The night was clear and most of us clearly saw a large number of meteorites falling and a crocodile spotting session revealed we were indeed in croc country!
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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