Cape York Day 26 - Seisa to Cairns

Tuesday, Aug 18, 1998 at 17:13

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

(Day 15 TLCC Cape York Trip - Iris & Donald)

Today’s the day we go to "The Tip"

We all woke early ready to leave at 8.00am to go to the Tip of Australia. Before we left Collyn said we were having a photo shot of the vehicles underneath the Toyota sign at the camping ground. Just as we drove out of the grounds in convoy, Josephine had to go to the loo – she was fined for this delay.

We set off again and Trevor called over the CB that they had to turn around and go back to camp because Josephine had left her handbag on the table – another fine! We all waited for Trevor and Josephine to catch up with the convoy again and then headed out towards Punsand Bay which was a dump. The people running the place were not at all friendly and so we cut our stay short to only 20mins. Again, we left to go to the tip which now wasn’t far away. The track from here on was very bumpy. When we arrived as far as the road would take us we still had another 20min walk to get to the tip through a rainforest walk and over rocky mountains. When we all arrived we took photos and video, cracked open our bottles, swam in the ocean and just relaxed for about 2 hours. Lunch was in the run-down carpark. We then drove to Somerset to see the ruins which was a homestead established run by the Jardine family and later belonged to Herbert Graheme Vidgen. It was finally burnt down in 1960. After that we drove down the eastside to do a short beach run. These beaches were beautiful and inviting. Poor Trevor got stuck again and had to be rocked out of a sand bog. Donald told Tony he didn’t have to get his truck fixed because he was doing fine without his drive shaft. When we all got back to Bamaga some made different tracks before heading back to camp. The day was really great – something my Donald has wanted to do for 2 years.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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