Cape York Day 28 - Seisa to Cairns

Thursday, Aug 20, 1998 at 17:19

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

(Day 17 TLCC Cape York Trip - Thelma and Jeff)

It was a cloudy morning as we left Captain Billy’s Landing. Tony’s (Na- Na’s) vehicle was made road worthy but he was apprehensive about the trip ahead. We stopped at the Wenlock River for morning tea and a group photo was taken in the river before turning onto Frenchmans Road. At this point we all stopped and got out of the cars to partake in a Kangaroo Court where no appeals could be entered into and once convicted, one is guilty. Tony, Oliver, Josephone and Trevor paid their fines and a generous donation from Trevor for the Children’s Christmas Fund was received. We said our goodbyes and then headed down Frenchmans Road. We stopped for lunch at the last part of the Wenlock River and then continued towards Chili Beach. We passed through numerous dry and wet crossings and enjoyed the views of the Great Dividing Range. Chili Beach is located within the Iron Range National Park and as it was after 5pm when we arrived at the Ranger station we used the self-registration for purchase of our camping permits. Chili Beach is renowned for its windy conditions and for us this proved to be the case but it was definitely not chilly.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
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