Cape York Day 33 - Seisa to Cairns

Tuesday, Aug 25, 1998 at 17:35

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

(Day 22 TLCC Cape York Trip - Thelma and Jeff Webster)

The Development Road from the small town of Laura to Lakeland was in very good condition. We said "Goodbye" to Donald and Iris and we traveled onto Lion’s Den where Jeff spoilt morning tea by finding a puncture. We continued onto the CREB track, which proved to be good four-wheel driving, slipping and sliding due to a few showers the previous day. We stopped for lunch at Roaring Meg Falls and then headed back into more slipping and sliding. There were a couple of pullouts and then a real bit of show when David and Michelle’s Troopy got stuck and almost slid over sideways. This was the one time of the whole trip I didn’t have the video going. Due to the expertise of Collyn and all hands to the deck they were pulled out successfully. The scenery traveling through was spectacular and all reached the Daintree after an exciting final day of our ’98 Cape York adventures.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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