Gulf Country Day 63 - Lawn Hill to Borroloola

Thursday, Sep 24, 1998 at 00:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Around 10am our two troopies headed out in the mud tracks to Hells Gate. We picked up frozen bread for $4, drinks, eggs and fuel (95c per litre) from Hells Gate Roadhouse. It was good just to stop to rest from the constant sverving around mud holes and muddy splashes. From here, Mark drove with David and I drove with Sharon in their Troopie just to compare how the cars travel. After a few kilometres we stopped and Sharon then switched with Mark so both could try the passenger seat in our car. At Wollogorang Roadhouse we stopped for lunch and beer restocking and then continued through escarpment country with the road improving all the time as the sun continued to shine.

At 3.30pm we stopped by the Robinson River and set up camp by the stream. The guys tried to catch fish but were not lucky. I did some hand washing using the river water and prepared a lamb roast with sweet potato and potato in the camp oven. Mark and Sharon are having pasta and are suffering without the use of their 29L Engel - it seems to have the same disease as ours did. Since leaving England their Engel has broken down 3 times. They have both been working in England for a few years and are now DRIVING home to NZ. The trip is almost over, having explored Europe, India, Middle East and Malaysia but have until Christmas to travel through Australia. We are enjoying sharing a few days with such interesting people.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025
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