ExplorOz Newsletter - Issue 33

1st September, 2002. In this issue: ExplorOz Launches Australia's first dedicated 4WD Search Engine, How You can Help and Change of Details.
Dear ExplorOz Reader,
This newsletter comes with both an announcement and a pleading for your support...

ExplorOz Launches Australia's first dedicated 4WD Search Engine

The existing ExplorOz Business Directory has been fully upgraded to enable every listing with clickable links and full keyword search functions. It now performs exactly as a Search Engine.

Why have we done this?

  • the Free Business Listings were not fully functional so were not useful to consumers
  • to improve service to our site readers
  • to encourage more 4WD/Tourism Business to list on ExplorOz
  • to bring us one step closer to making ExplorOz fully searchable

How YOU can help

  • Our new methodology of providing free fully functional listings will encourage new business to list and these listings should be very useful to you in making informed choices and decisions about selecting a supplier to deal with.
  • We need you to use our 4WD Business Search Engine - please use the links to make contact with these advertisers by email and website.
  • Currently, only 100:1 users actually use ExplorOz to make contact with advertisers (measured by site statistics of links taken from listings to email/web links). So even though we have proven enormous site usage we still find it very difficult to sell advertising = generate income.
  • The aim is that over time our 4WD Search Engine Database will be so extensive and useful to consumers that advertisers will recognise the need to be listed above their competitors. To achieve higher rankings, advertisers will need to pay for the priority listings.
  • Please understand that we need a revenue stream to fund the provision of free information to you. Rather than make you pay for the service, we ask advertisers to pay to use our medium to promote themselves and their products to you - the largest single group of 4WD/travel consumers.

So, please start using our Business Search Engine and show the industry that ExplorOz is a worthwhile place to advertise!

Where do I find the Business Search Engine?
  • Use the Resources menu in the top navigation - and select Business Search Engine
  • Use the Category Search from the site Home Page
  • Click on logos within the Trek Notes. These link back to advertisers listings.
  • Click on the Business Search Engine icon
    You'll see this on any Regions page.
  • Plus - you can click on any banners you see at the top of the pages - these go direct to the advertisers website. We need to demonstrate results - so please use these resources.
Change of details?
It's easy and its automatic!
Simply go to www.ExplorOz.com and look for the Mail List Box down the left margin of the site. Enter your name and hit the DEL button. Then in the same box, enter your name and your new email address and hit ADD. 
Note - if you are logged on you will have to click the blue log off button.

Happy Travel Planning from the ExplorOz Team
Phone (08) 9403 3737
Fax (08) 9403 3738

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