Newsletter 338

Edition 338: 19th June 2014

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

We hope you enjoy this week's edition of our newsletter with all the latest information about what's happening on the website.

ExplorOz Image
Our biggest ever sale is STILL ON with 47% discount off a huge range of products in the ExplorOz Shop. As well as many 4WD, caravan and camping travel items, you'll also notice many sporting items that have come out of the TriathlonOz shop so if you know any runners, hikers, cyclists, swimmers, kayakers, triathletes and the like, please forward them this newsletter as they'll love you for it! 

This is a genuine clearance sale - View all Sale Items
ExplorOz Image
EOTrackMe: After each trip you take, remember to go into your Member Profile and click your EOTrackMe tab. Here's you'll find your Active Tracking. You need to use the SAVE feature you'll find here to close your active tracking. This will remove the route from the live tracking map but a new Tab will appear on your profile page titled "Treks" and it will appear here with name, date, distance and other stats, plus you can then embed the map showing your completed trip route into your blog!
Wildflower Image
This month, if you're travelling in desert areas, look out for Eucalyptus youngiana, or Large fruited mallee. Travellers along the Canning Stock Route, northern Simpson Desert around Batten Hill and around Maralinga, are likely to see these small mallee trees with big pink, red or cream flowers followed by large flattened gumnuts.

For other practical tips and advice on identifying wildflowers, check the Blooming News tab in the Wildflowers section of the ExplorOz website.
EOTopo Image
EOTopo200K is a whole of Australia topographic mapset.

7 Detailed 200K scale maps:
a single map for the whole of Australia, plus individual map files for WA, SA, NT, QLD, NSW/VIC & TAS.
Planning Maps: 4 additional whole of Australia maps - 10M, 5M, 2.5M, 1M.
Plus: Name Search file (80,000+ POIs).
Questions?  Go to the EOTopo Help & FAQ page.

Only $99.95
($94.95 for Members)
EOTopo ImageExclusive Offer:
Save yourself the hassle of loading maps to your navigator and save money. Get the HN7 preloaded from the factory with EOTopo200K ready to go. Great value!

Only $739
($702.05 for Members)
Roads Image
Closure of the Barry Way - check these dates!

You can trust ExplorOz as the easiest source to find Road Conditions Reports Australiawide. These reports are updated at least weekly, and contain both the latest official reports released by reporting services (status & notes), plus crowd-sourced information that comes from registered ExplorOz'ers who have added their own recent personal travel experiences.

Must-Haves for Winter Exploring

Shop ImageShop ImageShop Image
Shop ImageShop ImageShop Image

Huge Price Reductions On These Items


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I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd. Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

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