Newsletter 342

Edition 342: 18th July 2014

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

We hope you enjoy this week's edition of our newsletter with all the latest information about what's happening on the website.

EOZi EOZi Update: Due to the release of OziExplorer Android V1.22 a few weeks ago, we have now been able to modify EOZi to include a popular feature - "Load Track". The inclusion of the Load Track button is the only change to EOZi Android in this version update and all new sales of the upgraded version of EOZi Android from ExplorOz came into effect yesterday. Previous buyers of EOZi Android will be contacted privately by email with a promo code to obtain your upgrade (that makes this upgrade free for Members, or $4 for non-members).
Camp Recipes
Camp Recipes: at this time of year, a large percentage of ExplorOz'ers are out travelling and that's the perfect place to gather your ideas and photos for uploading recipes into the ExplorOz Recipe database. All you've got to do is remember to take a quick photo before you chow down your delicious gourmet bush cooking inventions! To browse existing recipes or to add a new one, just go to Recipes.
ExplorOz ImageOptions for sorting Forum Posts - In the Forum you can choose whether posts are listed by Thread ID (most recent new thread created) or Response Time (threads with recent activity). Look in the display Options Box at the top LHS of the Forum for these and other useful display possibilities.

Wildflower Image What's Blooming in July? Travellers along many of the western desert tracks will probably pass through big patches of Golden Sand Sage or Dicrastylis exsuccosa. This tough little shrub grows across interdunal areas, where it often becomes dominant. While its white flowers are inconspicuous, all the flowering parts are covered with a dense mass of golden hairs, giving the whole plant a golden colour, which in turn becomes the defining colour along the track. The fuzzy hairs can make it difficult to photograph.
Wildflower Image Wildflower or Weed? It can be surprising to learn that many attractive flowering plants seen growing wild are actually "weeds". In this recent blog in the Blooming News section of our Wildflower database, Val discusses Weeds and Travelers, with some insights to heighten your awareness of this relevant but all too often overlooked aspect of traveling and camping, especially offroad.

Events: Can you help? Due to extended unavailability of our volunteer administrator for Events, the database needs more entries to show what's coming up around the country for the next 12 months. Anyone can add events - so why not put an hour aside and make a contribution that not only helps support regional communities but keeps this wonderful resource up to date and inspiring!

Simply find the information elsewhere for an upcoming event and then go to the Events Calendar on ExplorOz and click Add New Event.

Review Image

Congratulations to Member - MartyRRS. You have won a $100 gift voucher in our June's Review Prize Draw. This voucher can be used in the ExplorOz online shop on any purchase.

For your chance to be July's winner, simply enter a Review for any product in our Shop, regardless of where/when you purchased it. The more reviews, the better your odds to win the draw. Review tabs are found on every item page in the ExplorOz Online Shop.

Most Popular New Products for 2014

In the past 12 months we've added 60 new products to the ExplorOz online shop. Follow the link to see them all, or see the images below for a selection of some of the most popular!

Shop ImageShop ImageShop Image
Shop ImageShop ImageShop Image

Back in Stock

These two popular Westprint paper maps have been out of print for some time but we're pleased to advise that new editions have just come into our warehouse and are ready to ship to customers.

Simpson Desert Trip Planning Map
Simpson Desert Trip Planning Map
The Gunbarrel Highway
The Gunbarrel Highway

More Price Reductions On These Items


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