Newsletter 358

Edition 358: 31 October 2014

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

ExplorOz ImageMobile Site - This week we've focused on further development of our Mobile Site -

Regular users might notice a new responsive home page that now features the What's New segment, Super Specials, Newest Member, and more closely resembles the full site home page. Depending on the size of your mobile device, you'll be presented with either a single column of content (for small screens) or double-column (for wider screens).

We've also expanded the range of pages that are mobile-ready, including EOTrackMe - so now you can check your own tracking page on the go, or look up other Members that might be nearby.

We've also added the popular "Thanks" button to the Forum, and currently working on image upload tools.

If you've not visited our mobile site go here to learn more

ExplorOz ImageOUT NOW - We know many of you have been anxiously awaiting the release of EOTopo 2015 on Memory-Map and the good news is that it's out now! For existing Memory-Map users, simply download the EOTopo 2015 within the app.

Memory-Map is a free mapping software app available from either Apple Store or Google Play. Once you've got the app, you can go to the ExplorOz EOTopo downloads page to get the free Memory-Map zip package (Starter Pack). Within the Memory-Map Starter Pack you can access the EOTopo 2015 maps for free for a short trial period, after which you need to make an in-app purchase. Prices vary depending on the licence option you choose.

Wildflower Image Bloomin' News - While Banksias are found in their most extravagant variety in Western Australia, travellers down the east coast can see some beautiful examples of the genus. The hairpin Banksia (Banksia spinulosa) grows abundantly in sandy coastal and tablelands heathlands. Its flowers are full of nectar making them a favourite of birds and insects. It is a compact shrub growing to 2m high with leaves that have a few short teeth at the end. The flower spikes are up to 15cm long. Flowers are a rusty orange in colour with a dark coloured style that has a hooked end when fully open, giving rise to the hairpin reference.

Have you taken photos of Banksias that you can add to our database? We currently feature 22 different species.

Shop Image A Revolution in Bite Relief - Insect protection and bite treatment typically means splathering yourself with nasty chemicals. You can avoid wasting money on these lotions and use the latest in technological advancements to treat the pain with this small device. This hand-held, battery operated medical device uses a tiny integrated micro-processor to denature the proteins & toxins of the sting via heat which applied externally stops the pain and prevents the release of histamine that causes the itch.

Available: ExplorOz online shop
Members Price: $56.95

This Week's Super Specials


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