Newsletter 378

Edition 378:  19th March 2015

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

There's only 2 week's left until the Easter break but there's still time for those last minute preparations to get away. We hope this newsletter will inspire you to think about your safety and get organised before you head bush.

Happy Camping!
Michelle, Adele, David

Powertraveller Sale - up to 50% discount

When your devices need recharging and you have a limited power capacity to do the job, that's when you need Powertraveller. Ideal for the remote explorer but just as handy for those frustrating times when you have to head out but find the battery to the camera or phone is flat!

Powertraveller products are tiny, portable, fast-charge battery packs designed specifically for recharging phones, tablets, cameras, and GPS units. You can even plug in multiple devices at once! Some Powertraveller products also harness solar energy and convert this to usable power to recharge your devices. Award winning across the globe, Powertraveller are Apple-approved products designed in the UK.

We've chosen 3 Powertraveller products for the ExplorOz Shop:
We are thrilled to be able to have them available to you in the ExplorOz Shop at these incredible prices for a very limited time! See our product review to compare all 3 items alongside one another.

Updated Editions

Hema have just released a new edition of their popular Fraser Island paper map. Find it in stock now in the ExplorOz Shop.

This updated paper map of the South-West Corner of Western Australia has also just been released and is in stock now at ExplorOz.

Australia-wide Track Alerts

Before you head out, look up the latest reports in the ExplorOz Road Alerts section. After your journey, don't forget to add your "Travellers' Comments".

Remote First-Aid

This week there's been some discussion in the Forum on the subjects of remote first aid and snake bite treatment. See posts ID117099, and ID117083 for some interesting reading or to join the discussion.

Snake & Survival Resources

The subject of Snake Bite treatment got me thinking and I took the time to have a chat on the phone with Bob Cooper from Bob Cooper Outback Survival yesterday. Those of you that came to the 2010 National Gathering in Wiluna will remember the snake workshop he ran for us but you might not know that aside from running Survival Courses with bush users, he is contracted by Rio Tinto to train their medics in remote WA. He is one of the most highly respected experts in this field but he's also a really down to earth, practical bushy type of guy. What's more, he's a member of our ExplorOz community.

Bob wanted me to remind you that pressure immobilisation bandaging is just one part of the job. 90% of your survival rate comes from remaining immobilised until a medic arrives. The act of walking engages the large muscle-groups in the legs and it doesn't take much to circulate the venom. In the ExplorOz Shop you will find:
For under $20, the Survival Manual is a must-have for your first-aid kit and you can trust that the information is specifically relevant to Australian conditions. For more snake resources, see the Snake RNR website

Help Us Choose a Winner!

The 2015 Members Photo Comp theme is "The Rustic Outback". Entries closed in February and 130 photos were submitted to the competition. Voting by the ExplorOz community is now running, via the 5-star rating system. The winner will be drawn on Tuesday 31/3 based on the judges final decision, however you can get involved by giving a rating for each photo. Just open this page - 2015 Photo Comp. This is a blog tag link that has been set to display in Photo View, which activates the photo rating tools. Rate each photo by hovering over each image to bring up the stars. Slide your mouse left and right to select the number of stars you wish to rate each photo (half and full stars), with 5 stars rating high.

March Recipe Comp

This month's recipe theme is Chicken & Poultry so start thinking about the dishes you prepare with these ingredients when out camping and share them to the ExplorOz Recipe section for your chance to win a copy of Hema's new 4WD Adventures guidebook, featuring 100 top tracks!

So far, the entries have included Apricot Chicken & Dumplings, and Thai-Style Chicken Cakes.


This week, we want to talk about EOTrackMe. This is a free service to ExplorOz Members that we encourage you all to activate, especially for your safety and peace of mind.

Not only does EOTrackMe offer a visual record of your journey to save and enjoy, it can also provide much enjoyment and education when you invite family or friends to view your tracking map. The system contains security settings such as password entry and virtual barriers that block the display of your journey to/near/around any sensitive positions you nominate (Geofence).

For people that can't be bothered with in-car digital navigation, but would love to create a simple map of all their Australian journeys, EOTrackMe could be the easiest solution you'll find. Working silently in the background, it will log and record your path travelled, building a map of your trip for you to enjoy and share when you get home. The trip maps can even be saved and shared in your Blogs, and the route files can also be downloaded to load into a navigator/GPS unit.

Despite all these features, some may feel it's just not necessary. But as recent circumstances have shown, you don't have to be far off the track to become a missing person when something goes wrong. This tracking service could be the thing that saves a life and you don't have to do a thing.

Tracking occurs automatically from your device to the ExplorOz Server via satellite using a GPS Tracker/Messenger Device (eg. YellowBrick or Spot) or via the internet using a compatible mobile phone, PC or tablet device. Even when not in service, the tracking system is of benefit as it still records and stores your GPS positions periodically and automatically loads all these stored positions when next in service range.

So, Members - activate your EOTrackMe if only for the peace of mind and security it offers you.

This Weeks Super Specials


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