Newsletter 409


Edition 409: 19th November 2015

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

Here at I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd, we are constantly working on new projects, or at least tweaking, refining and evolving the services of the ExplorOz website and facilities for our users. One such project is EOTrackMe & this week we have launched a beta version of Alerts & Triggers. All registered subscribers to EOTrackMe can now start using these functions simply by going into your My Tracking panel. For more information see this Forum Post from David. Please feel welcome to ask questions or give feedback.

Another update this week has been to the Members Trips & Gatherings section of our website. Whilst it has come a long way in recent days with this update, like a lot of our projects, it is a work in progress with more improvements yet to come. For now, the changes include:- support for multi-name registration per member - which means you can enter all the people you are bringing to the event within your single Member registration (this greatly helps with planning/catering etc). You will also see Related Blogs (based on word match in title) are now auto-linked to each Trip/Gathering page. Plus, past Trips & Gatherings are available to browse from the index page. So yep - more pages and photos to devour for those that love their lounge-chair travelling!

We often receive inquiries from people seeking advice before purchasing maps and navigators but this is such as subjective matter and depends largely on your experience with technology, devices that you currently own, and how remote you intend travelling. So this week, we've put together an easy guide to set you on the straight & narrow. Read our Navigation Guide

Whilst we all enjoy camping under the gentle light of the moon & stars, there are times when powered lighting is required to get the job done. The new Spectrum V50 LED Lights provide the solution. The Yellow/White Anti-Insect model offers three different lighting modes: white, yellow or both, which can be selected based on the brightness required and the level of insect activity present. A white only version is also available for purchase when brightness is your priority. Find it in the ExplorOz Shop.

Looking for a high-performance, waterproof, backpack? We now stock The Sea to Summit Carve 24L Dry Pack - perfect for all your outdoor adventures, and at a great price. Find it in the ExplorOz Shop.

The Gunbarrell Highway was the first of the Len Beadell roads, built through what was described at the time as "uninhabited desert waste-land". Today, our deserts are becoming increasingly popular with people looking to experience the open spaces and to get away from the crowds and chaos of the coastal cities. Put it on your bucket list and do some research. Start your journey with our Destination Spotlight on the Gunbarrel Highway.

Bob Cooper Venomous Creatures Kit
Venomous Creatures Kit
2016 ExplorOz Calendar
2016 ExplorOz Calendar
Sandflag Kit
Sandflag Kit

Globalsat Mouse GPS
Globalsat Mouse GPS
SPOT Trace Anti-Theft
SPOT Trace Anti-Theft

Super Special Deals


BONUS GIVEAWAY: This month on ExplorOz we're rewarding Classifieds advertisers. All sellers ads purchased during November go in the draw to win a copy of Collyn River's popular reference book Solar that Really Works, worth $42.50.

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Annual Membership
Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Membership
Membership Renewal
Membership Renewal

Our newsletter is distributed to 52,640 subscribers on a weekly basis.
ExplorOz ® is owned and managed by I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd.

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I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd. Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

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