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Did you know that the ExplorOz website features a section of very informative
Articles covering 693 subjects? These articles have all been thoroughly researched and updated with new articles also added periodically.
All the key issues for travellers are covered, with specific emphasis on remote area travel, vehicle preparation, trip planning, equipment purchase, vehicle modification, electrics, and practical tips & advice that every ExplorOzer should read.
In particular there are 34 comprehensive articles in the "
On the Road" category covering issues such as Travelling with Pets & Family, Driver Fatigue, Four Wheel Driving Tips & Skills, Free Camping, P-Bays & Rest Areas, Employment, Health & Wellbeing, Photography, Prospecting, Innovative Ideas & Gear for Camping, Buying a Tent, Portable Toilets & Dump Points, Icebox Coolers & Eskys and much more. Take a look at all the articles in the "
On the Road" section.
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