Are you a business owner, marketing manager or media agency? provides you with the perfect opportunity to build a successful digital marketing strategy in the 4WD/Camping/Australian Tourism Sector. Advertising has changed and you may be experimenting with various new tools and strategies but we have 16 years experience in the online market and know exactly how this audience reacts, so let us help you promote your brand and get your message across. You might be surprised just how affordable and easy it is. For more details see our new 2016 Advertising Kit -
Warning for Classified Sellers: This week we've had a few sellers report they have received dodgy enquiries through the ExplorOz Classifieds so here's a few tips to help you stay safe.
- Never put your phone number or email address into the open description of your advertisement.
- Instead, only provide contact via the email form provided - this ensures that your privacy is protected because they cannot contact you directly and when they use the form they are traceable.
- Familiarise yourself with the common tactics used by scammers and do not respond if you are suspicious (replying to the form will send the recipient your email address)
The latest trend by classified scammers is to avoid using websites like ExplorOz that offer an email form as the method of contact as that makes them trackable. Instead they look for ways to contact sellers via SMS (text message sent to your mobile number). On ExplorOz you don't need to list your phone number but the option is there. Whilst this number is not visible unless the buyer has a registered site profile, it is not hard for them to register any email address. Just because they register does not make them traceable however if they choose to send you an SMS. And after viewing your number they can also delete their account from our system so unfortunately this tactic is difficult for us to block.
Our advice for responding to enquiries is to initially only offer contact via the email form and once you have established a genuine contact, you can then respond by email and phone numbers can then be exchanged when you feel comfortable to do so.
Scammers are usually quite easy to detect so most people can easily smell a rat and then your best defence is to simply ignore them. Some common tactics to look out for are: the use of poor grammar, formal language, haste to buy with a lack of inspecting the item first, usually give you a story about working on a mine site, have no reception, will organise their own carrier, and will tell you how they are going to pay (often Western Credit Union and "wiring" the money to you). We have been advised by recent ExplorOz sellers that the SMS's received have appeared to have come from us - ie the contact name in the SMS says "Exploroz" - note a lower case o in "Oz". ExplorOz is a registered trademark. The message indicates that we are facilitating contact between you and the buyer. Please do not be fooled.
Members renewing/joining this year will soon be receiving a NEW Member-only bumper sticker, as shown below. These stickers will now be issued in place of a Membership Card and if displayed on your vehicle will distinguish you as a Member. The standard sticker will still be available via the shop, but the Membership sticker is exclusive to subscribers only and includes your Membership status (year or Lifetime). Unfortunately, there have been unexpected delays in mailing these out to this year's new/renewing Members but these will soon be packaged and sent by mail and should be within you by the end of the month. We hope you like this change! Don't forget to renew and go in the draw to win the Redarc prize!
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ExplorOz ® is owned and managed by I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd.