Photo Comp Winners | Order your Calendar Now | New Features in Traveller v6.5


Hello ExplorOz Reader

We were overwhelmed with the response from our last newsletter seeking submissions of photos for the ExplorOz 2022 Calendar. We are thrilled to announce the names of the photographers whose images were selected. Congratulations to:-

  • Roland Schreiber
  • Dariusz Broszkiewicz
  • John Jarvis
  • Tammy Barker
  • James Batchelder
  • Ryan Payne
  • Glenn Pure
  • Alan Pettigrew
  • Chris Merchant
  • Peter Ryan
  • Karen Elms
  • Jamie Twigs
  • Ian Rowley
The quality of photographs submitted seems to just get better each year and we're sure that you'll find this calendar will be the best we've ever produced!


The ExplorOz wall calendar is more than just a practical day planner, being a truely inspirational photo collection of rarely seen locations in Australia.

Each month features one full size photograph of an Australia location that is accessible only by 4WD vehicles. It is also a celebration of the ExplorOz community, with all photos taken by travellers on their personal journeys. Each photographer's name is given, together with their photography account.

The images will make this calendar be the talk of your home or workspace. But don't just get one - this is a great low-cost gift for your friends, neighbours and family and you don't need to leave home to get your Christmas shopping done.

Calendars are printed to order - so get in quick now before October 14 to place your order for guaranteed delivery before Christmas (ETA mid November). Worldwide postage available.



A major update to the ExplorOz Traveller app with all these new features is out now and feedback from app users is very positive with no bugs. All new features work inapp and offline:-

  • Direct import of GPX, KML, & TCX files via device share/open
  • New Track Log management system
  • Trim/crop tool for Track Log Create
  • Track Log "Recently Viewed" list
  • Editable co-ordinates at crosshairs on map screen
  • Place & Track Log photos management
  • Setting option to adjust +/- zoom size per tap
  • Support for Apple Pencil
  • Rename & Delete Place Groups in-app

App updates are free and available to all users on all 3 appstore platforms (Android, Apple, Windows) as well as the Web-browser/desktop version. The latest version is now v6.5.1 To find out more, see the ExplorOz Traveller webpage. But you don't have to take our word for it - check out the latest reviews in the app stores too!



Everyone who uses ExplorOz has a registered account. ie. you've registered the email account you login in with and there was no charge for this. We call this account level "Visitor". But we also offer a "Member" account level - so what is that for?

Membership is a paid level account that provides access to our premium services - there are many of these as outlined on our Membership page on the website, but below we will highlight the two main reasons why people pay for the Membership services.


Probably the number 1 reason to be a Member is activation of the Tracker service. There are 2 alternative ways to access the service depending on your personal needs but the concept is the same. See Tracker.

The Tracker service uses an app interface to collect position data from the GPS in your device and sync this to the server where a route line showing the path of travel is displayed on a map.

The Tracker interface is available in both the ExplorOz Traveller app and also the free ExplorOz Tracker app. The difference between which app you use is whether you want the mapping and navigation features that are ONLY available in the Traveller app, whereas Tracker is purely for tracking. If you use the Tracker service within the Traveller app, you don't need the standalone Tracker app.

Whichever way you choose to use the Tracker service, you must have a Member account. Family/friends are free to view your active tracking map online and you can then clear the tracking after you've finished the trip or SAVE the tracking to keep it stored in your account as a Track Log. The ExplorOz Track Log format has recently just been fully updated too and offers sharing mechanisms that make this the ideal way to document and share your trip with others. See ExplorOz Track Logs to see some of these.


Another major reason to be a Member is access to the online planning web-interface to the Traveller app. This free webapp is only available if you have a Member account PLUS a purchased version of the Traveller app. This web-interface is based on the exact same version of Traveller as the downloadable app but it does not offer any tracking functions, and does not work offline.

This version of the app allows you to access your Personal Places, Treks & Track Logs, edit them, create new ones, delete them, and sync it all back to your portable devices or headunit. This is not a downloadable app, but is accessed from the ExplorOz website - using Edge, Chrome, or Opera and by going to the My App Control Panel on the ExplorOz Traveller webpage


There are 2 Membership options:-

A $20 discount will automatically be deducted from the price of the 12 month Membership subscription if you have already bought (and logged into) the $59.99 Traveller app.

NOTE: The purchase cost of the Traveller app and EOTopo map licence have a fixed one-time price and are not subscription based. Your account type does not affect the price of these products.

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