Dermody Camp - VIC

  Camp Free


DEG: -37.80439 146.915497
DMS: 37º 48' 15.8" S 146º 54' 55.79" E
UTM: 55 H 5815885mN 492561mE
Altitude: 93.57m


Place Type

Camps & Accom - Camp Free


171.9kms East of Melbourne - Driving 241 km (2 hours 55 mins)
343.77kms SouthWest of Canberra - Driving 528 km (6 hours 7 mins)
565.06kms North of Hobart - Driving 973 km (1 day 2 hours)

Address & Contact

535 Back Wombat Rd
Boisdale VIC 3860
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


A quiet camp in dry sclerophyll forest. Situated on the nose of a broad, level ridge 50m above the Avon River. The road end circuit passes 8 dispersed clearings (5 with table and BBQ [new]), each shaded by blue leafed Red Box with an understory of low tea-tree and wattles with some grass over sandy gravel. Can be dusty when dry. Surrounded by box-ironbark forest on low hills (spring wildflowers), with a line of white trunked Gippsland Red Gum along the wide, shallow river.
Whip birds (in nearby gully), egrets, kookaburras, wombats and wallabys are common.
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Closest Weather Station

Mount Moornapa at 22/12:00pm EST
Distance from Dermody Camp 20.92km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Mount Moornapa
Distance from Dermody Camp 20.92km E
Mean Max. °C25.524.621.818.214.612.411.913.616.118.421.122.7
Mean Min. °C13.213.511.
Mean Rain mm57.974.858.376.348.9101.758.551.352.182.3113.653.3

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