Address & Contact Edit
Coongan River
Western Australia 6760
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Gorge is on the De
Grey River about 41 kilometres north of
Marble Bar on the
Marble Bar-
Port Hedland Road. The access road is on your left just after you cross the
Coongan River. Plan your trip to reach this beautiful spot around 5pm in time to watch the sun set and light up the
cliff face.
If you are feeling a little more energetic follow the track next to the creek for 50 metres. Climb up the gully to the seasonal waterfall and watch the colours created by the sunset from here. You are sure to get some wonderful photos to take
home. It is a
free camping spot, and you will get to share the waterway with the pelicans. Try a spot of fishing in the Coongan Pools and you might catch a Spangled Perch.