Place Type
Population - Town
384.02kms East of Adelaide - Driving 481 km (5 hours 25 mins)
409.02kms NorthWest of Melbourne - Driving 471 km (5 hours 7 mins)
586.23kms West of Canberra - Driving 718 km (7 hours 20 mins)
Address & Contact Edit
Natale Ln
Robinvale VIC 3549
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
The Latje Latje tribe are believed to have been the early inhabitants of Robinvale but the surrounding land was taken up under the soldier settlement scheme after World War 2 and used for vines, citrus fruits, almonds, olives and vegetables. Just downstream is Bombang Island Reserve (555 hectares) where there is evidence of canoe trees, camping and burial grounds.