Oakover River - WA



DEG: -20.706196 120.578369
DMS: 20º 42' 22.3" S 120º 34' 42.13" E
UTM: 51 K 7708483mN 247777mE
Altitude: 131.01m


Place Type

Geography - Lake,River,Creek


100.84kms NorthEast of Marble Bar
139.84kms North of Nullagine
256.85kms SouthWest of Bidyadanga Community
477.31kms SouthWest of Looma

Address & Contact

Oakover River
Marble Bar WA
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


This a great place to camp and is certainly comparable with the nearby Running Waters and the Carawine Gorge which is further up the road. It offers a choice of private camping spots which are beside or close to water. As camping is in a river bed, the surface is river rocks with only a few patches of sand. The River runs for most of the year and forms large pools that attract a range of wildlife. There is some noise, most noticeable at night, from the nearby Nifty Mine that operates 24 hours per day.
This is not a river bed to be camping in if there is rain in the catchment area as the run-off comes through very quickly.
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Closest Weather Station

Marble Bar at 14/10:30pm WST
Distance from Oakover River 100.58km SW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Marble Bar
Distance from Oakover River 100.58km SW
Mean Max. °C41.439.437.
Mean Min. °C26.726.224.922.116.913.
Mean Rain mm70.686.980.918.613.427.919.

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