Address & Contact Edit
Boat ramp Rd
Windy Harbour WA 6262
Phone: 0897768398
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Windy Harbour Campground is small but
well set out. There are only 6 Powered sites, limited to 6amps, and these are on the edge of the
camp area by the track. The rest you will need to supply you own power. The non-powered sites are more private and quiet. All sites are grassed and close to
the beachNo pre-booking are required outside, School Holidays, Christmas &
Easter but its best to
check ahead anyway.
There is a small
general store but its best to do your bulk-shopping prior.
Fees as at 1st July 2015 - adjusted annually.
Note: There is a 25% surcharge during the Peak season
Pensioners - $10.00 / $12.50 Per Night
Non Pensioner - $13.00 / $16.25 Per Night
Family (2 adults, 2 children under 15) - $38.00 / 47.50
Family Weekly Rate - $229.00 / $286.25
Extra child - $6.50 / $8.15
Power - $6.80 / $8.50 per night extra
Fees include, access to fresh water, Toiler/Shower facilities and firewood
Refundable $10 key deposit for ablutions block.
Chlorinated rainwater tank is situated near ablutions block - limited to daily requirements, not for topping up tanks
CONTACT – Caretaker on – 97768398 – Hours 8am/10am & 5pm/6pm, if caretaker not there just
pic a site and catch up with him later.