Address & Contact Edit
Queen Victoria Rock Rd
Victoria Rock WA 6429
Phone: N/A
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Plaques at this site read: "Explorer Charles Cooke Hunt first camped at this
rock on August 16th 1864, noting that the water might prove useful. In 1888 explorer and prospector Gilles McPherson was saved by an Aboriginal boy named Toobey who led him to this
well after he was unable to find water."
Gnarlbine Rock
Nearby is
Gnarlbine Rock where Holland had aimed for here from
Broomehill and was "most pleased" with their navigation when they came straight on to it. The soak at Gnarlbine was the principal
water supply for the
Coolgardie goldrush and has many plaques commemorating the
explorers who passed that way.
Historic well, and plaques here explain the story.