Address & Contact Edit
Yellabinna Recreation Reserve
South Australia
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Googs Track traverses through
Yumbarra Conservation Park and Yellabinna Regional Reserve. The track started in 1955 from the northern end and stopped not far from
Mount Finke, a total of 154 km. Local identity,
John (Goog) Denton started from his
farm boundary in the south in 1973 and pushed a track north to join up with the other track.
Places of interest are
Mount Finke, Googs
Lake and monuments to
John (Goog) Denton and his son Martin (Dinger) Denton.
This is a remote area and people travelling this track will need sufficient food, water and fuel for the time they intend being in the parks.
Be on the look out for approaching vehicles on the sand ridges.
There will be numerous sand ridges to cross along the track, ranging up to 25 metres in height.
As added safety, it is recommended CB/UHF radios be tuned to Channel 18.