ExplorOz Site Traffic Reports

ExplorOz website traffic reports - month by month data and analysis for the past 12 month period Aug '14 - Jul' 15. Sourced from Google Analytics - combining both full desktop site and mobile site metrics.

All Visits (worldwide)

There are many detailed metrics upon which to measure a site's activity. These metics can be Sessions (visits), Unique Browsers, Hits, Page Views, Avg Session Time, Avg Time on Page, Bounce Rate, and these metrics can be reported for the site as a whole or on individual pages and can be reported in variable time frames such as a month, quarter or year. This data is tracked by Google Analytics and we can provide customised reports upon request.

Site Usage is best shown by the Session metric. Generally, a session is known as a period of activity that a user spends on a website during a specified time frame, such as 30 minutes. A session count of one occurs during that entire time period a user is on the site despite periods of inactivity. A "Session" on ExplorOz is not time-limited due to background AJAX queries that hold the session open despite periods of inactivity, across hours, even days. This means that ExplorOz Session counts only end when a user closes their ExplorOz web browser. Our Session counts do not refresh for individual users revisiting the site periodically throughout the day or week if they keep their webbrowser open. This might result in a session count of one for a person that leaves their webbrowser open overnight with repeated visits through the day, or many days.

Based on that definition of Sessions, the chart below shows the Total Combined Session metrics of visits to the ExplorOz website - combining all session traffic through the desktop (full) site and mobile site per month over the past 12 month period.


Registered Visitors: 73,000+
Newsletter Subscribers: 47,000+
Personal Members (Financial): 3,200+

We communicate with our subscribers via a number of different channels. Over 220,000 system-generated emails are sent per month to these users based on their selected preferences and site activity in addition to our weekly e-newsletter. Opportunities for advertising in these emails is available upon request.

Location of ExplorOz Visitors

Throughout the entire 12 month report period shown, almost 90% of site visitation was from Australia.

Breakdown by Country

Australia 87%, USA 3%, UK 1%, NZ 1%, Canada <1%, South Africa <1%, Germany <0.5%, India <0.5%, Philippines <0.5%, France <0.5%

Breakdown of Australian Traffic by State

NSW 24%
QLD 24%
VIC 22%
WA 16%
SA 10%
ACT 2%
TAS 1%
NT 1%

Content Behaviour

Page Views

The following list ranks the Top 25 site pages on ExplorOz.com based on Page View Traffic for the 12 month period Feb '14 - Feb '15.

To better understand this data you should be aware that Analytics reports over 11,000 content pages currently active on ExplorOz.com and as the pie chart shows, the bulk of the pages viewed on the site (67%) are known as "other" - these are individual specific Pages and include content articles targetting niche topics. Further details can be provided upon request.

The Top 25 list is therefore somewhat skewed by the fact that the Forum pages can be measured as an amalgamated total, unlike some other pages in the report that are single independent content pages.

Visitor Flow

Based on sampling data, the following content flow stats are provided by Google Analytics.

Start Pages

This list shows that visitors do not always arrive at ExplorOz.com on the Home Page. This is due to search referrals, links, and bookmarks guiding people guiding people to specific pages.

56.2% enters the site via a link to a specific Forum thread
15.6% enter the site via a link to specific Articles*
10.2% enters the site on the Forum Index
9.98% enters the site on the Places Index
6.4% enters the site on the Home page
1.7% enters the site on the Shop Index

1st Interactions

This list shows the next page that is most commonly visited after opening the site at the starting page.

7.4% will go to a specific Forum thread
3.68% will go to the Forum Index
1.59% will go to specific Articles*
0.5% will go to Places
0.28% will go to our online Shop
0.24% will go to the site Home Page

*Over 100 comprehensive Articles written by knowledge-base experts on issues relevant to trip planning, vehicle setup, and on the road logistics.

Referred Traffic Sources

This chart shows the various search methods that guide visitors to ExplorOz.com (full site). As you can see, Organic Search & Direct Visitation sources account for the majority of our visitors. The main referral sources include our Mobile Site redirection for non mobile-ready pages, PayPal and NAB links within the online shopping system.

Whilst Social referrals only accounts for 0.35% of all visits to ExplorOz, Facebook is the most prominent social referrer with 70% of these (we have our own Facebook page).

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Created: August 2008
Revised: August 2015
Latest Feedback: August 2015

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