Latest Tips for Using Traveller & Tracker


Hi ExplorOz Reader

Welcome to all our new and existing EXPLOROZ TRAVELLER app users. We're ready to kick off 2021 with lots of exciting features for you!


Whether you are a new app user, or long-term user, it would mean so much if you could please take 3 minutes to complete this short survey to help us get the type of feedback we need to keep making improvements.



We are highly committed to ensuring Traveller is a reliable and robust navigation app but to do that we are constantly updating background developer tools. We also like to add new features and improvements! Use the auto-update feature in the app-store to ensure you get the regular updates (free).

Check that the version you have installed on all your devices is Version 5.07 which was released today. In this update, we fixed some minor bugs (eg. add new Place description) and added new features and tweaked existing features.

The changes are: GPS Lock tool will now remain ON when you touch the map to zoom or pan. Tracking Members now have an option in Settings to allow auto saving of your active Tracking when you return to your Geofences (creates a Track Log - retains your privacy setting). Plus, we've installed a Back option on the SHOW page for Places, Treks, & Track Logs if you've arrived there from the List (not map).


In stock now, the new ExplorOz Traveller cap in colour as shown.
Also available in black with the Campfire design.
Discount for Members.

Be the envy of everyone you pass on the road or track with the unique ExplorOz Traveller wheel cover on the back of your 4WD, camper trailer or caravan. Features high quality vinyl and UV protective ink and digital print Made in Australia.
Discount for Members.

2021 MAPS

You heard it first here - a new version of EOTopo maps will be released this year. EOTopo is the topographic mapset used in the Traveller app. HOWEVER... we are still working on the download delivery process and until its working 100%, we can't release it. That mean's there's a lot of unknowns so we can't give you any ETA etc. If you're heading off soon, don't hold your breath it will be months not weeks until it's ready for release.

What we can tell you is that when you're offline, there will be no overzoom levels and you will have increased zoom to Level 18 (currently Level 12). This new system uses Vector rather than Raster maps so that allows the text labels to rotate as the map rotates and fonts generally will just appear nicer on all levels. The road data layer is fully updated throughout the whole of Australia from street level through to minor roads and 4WD tracks. And of course, all the other topographic data layers are updated including land use, vegetation etc with a full update of the all important Native Title names and boundaries as well as Parks & Reserves.


The format of our Facebook Group has recently changed to now allow people to join prior to owning the app. So it is a space for people to quickly ask a question rather than look it up on the website, or the User Manual or go through the formality of using our Help Desk.

As an existing app user, it also means the Facebook Group can be your go-to when you need to ask for instructions to do something in the app and can't figure it out. But its not for getting help directly from us (you'll need the Help Desk for that) but its for collaboration with other app users. We're also happy to see people discuss trip planning, favourite Places, new discoveries and you might also like to collaborate as a group to give us feedback and suggestions for new ideas/tweaks and improvements.

See the ExplorOz Traveller Community in Facebook Groups.


Did you read any of the store reviews before choosing to buy ExplorOz Traveller? Then you already know the importance of App Reviews. Whilst the quickest thing is to just give a rating score (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stars), that's not the same as a written review.

You don't have to do it when prompted becuase there's a link on the About screen. Go to Menu, select "Manuals & About" - then scroll and tap the words "APP RATING". This opens the store listing page. Scroll to the Review section and write your review.

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