New App Features


Hi ExplorOz Reader

This newsletter is specifically for Traveller app users. Since there's been a number of updates lately we thought it would be useful to do a spotlight on the new features.

If you've been a regular app user for some time, take note that with these changes you can now do everything inapp and offline (other than data syncing).

The updated User Manual (as at 21st September) is your go-to however this newsletter covers the changes in detail together with new graphics.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for helping us achieve such high app store ratings and for the positive reputation we've gained especially in the recent year. Our phones and help channels are flooded with people that tell us you've referred them and that is such good news. We don't have teams of staff or large budgets to put into R&D or advertising and the ongoing lockdowns and border restrictions have greatly impacted our business so your word of mouth, social media, and app store reviews are very important to us. Please keep it coming!

Thanks from David & Michelle Martin


You can now import files from other sources directly to the Traveller app on your preferred device. There is no longer any requirement to upload the file to the website first. This enables you to add files when you are offline that you can immediately use as Track Logs &/or Places. It also simplifies the process of adding Places & Track Logs as you no longer have to add them separately.

There are 2 different ways to do it:-

The most common method is to select the file you want to use (eg. from an email attachment, or downloads folder). When you select the file, your device will prompt you to select a program to open it with - just select ExplorOz Traveller. Supported file types are GPX, KML, and TCX.

If you have problems with this method, or prefer to do it another way, you can import the files from within the app as shown in the image below. Open Menu - select Upload File and then browse for the file.

Which ever way you choose to select the file you'll then come to the Import Screen offers which looks like the image below. Here you'll see quite a few options to review the data you've selected prior to finalising the import. If multiple days or multiple trips are detected in the Track Log file it will display multiple Line Segments - tap the Eye icon to view these. You can then ignore or select the segments to include.
If there is waypoint data in your file import, you won't be able to review them until you accept the Track Log import. You'll then be able to tap the Personal Places heading to review each one. We recommend you are very selective when importing Places and encourage you to refer to the User Manual for practical tips re: "Management of Personal Places".


Batch deleting Places is only possible if the Places are in the same Group so when you create Places - make sure you assign them to a Group incase you need to delete them later - otherwise you'll have to do it one by one.

One of the new features we've recently added is the ability to delete Place Groups inapp, and also the ability to change the name of a Personal Place Group. Simply tap into the existing name and the keyboard on your touchscreen will appear so you can edit the name. Once you've made a change, a green SAVE icon will appear. Tap the green save icon to keep your changes.

To delete an entire Place Group swipe left on the heading row to reveal the delete button as pictured below:-


Photo upload and syncing is now more obvious and photos that you've uploaded (Places or Track Logs) can now be deleted directly in-app as required. Did you know you can add photos even when you are offline? The app will simply store the image to the selected location and perform the update when you are next online.

To delete photos, select SHOW to open the Place or open the Track Log and then tap on the photo. A RED bin icon is shown in the bottom right corner of each photo. Tap this once and the icon changes to orange - tap again to confirm. If you don't tap the orange icon the photo will not be deleted.


The Cross hairs appear in the centre of the map when its not showing your current location. In this new update, you'll now see the coordinate of the position at the cross hairs displayed at the top of the map screen. There are a couple of things to note:-
  • You can also type any coordinate into this panel in your chosen format and this will reveal a GO option - the map will move to display that location in the cross hairs/centre.
  • You can copy/paste coordinates to here or from here.
  • You can change where the coordinates appear on the screen - by default its at the top, but go into Settings to change to bottom, or even above/below the crosshairs
  • As always, you can create a new Place at the cross hairs using the Pin, and you can change the format (Settings).



In the recent September revision of the User Manual we completely changed the Table of Contents to simplify terminology in headings to make it easier for newcomers to find what they're after from the Index page. We also added a whole new section to the end called "Operating Tips & Troubleshooting". This section contains the most common queries that come through the Help Desk on a regular occurance so please look here first.


We've added a few more videos which are now embeded into the Traveller webpage.


Our Facebook group ExplorOz Traveller Community is also an excellent way to get prompt assistance from other app users. If you prefer ask in the ExplorOz Forum on the website, that's ok too.

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I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd. Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA

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