Traveller Android Alert


16 February, 2024

Hi ExplorOz Reader

There is a glitch affecting some Android (mostly tablet) users of the ExplorOz Traveller App (introduced after a recent Android update). This issue affects screen responsiveness whilst the app is in use/moving.

If you notice the effect we have an easy fix

Go into the Traveller app - Settings - Map Screen - Current Position Pulse Icon and DISABLE this setting (its on by default).
  • Your current position will still be displayed by the ARROW but it wont pulse.
  • If you don't disable the pulse, the map screen eventually becomes unresponsive.
  • If you have Traveller installed on an Android tablet you may be affected as the issue has arisen via an external update in the Google ecosystem.
This temporary solution has been tested by numerous app users and immediately fixes the screen responsiveness issue.

Hope this helps!

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